The Experience and Knowledge to Get it Right.
Dear Voter,
Throughout my career, I have brought an enthusiasm and energy to my work, during my years as a business litigator, and now on the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Since my election in 2002, I have participated in deciding more than 2,000 appeals. Of those appeals, I have written the deciding opinion in nearly 700 appeals. To date, the Supreme Court has reversed me only ten times—the result being that my opinions have become the law for the State of North Carolina more than 98% of the time. I am one of only a few judges on the North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals who is equipped to handle both those appeals addressing complex disputes involving businesses and industries critical to our state's economy, as well as appeals involving issues impacting the lives of individual citizens. I thrive on delving into the details and taking the time to fully understand a case before reaching a quality, impartial decision. I need and will appreciate your vote on November 2, 2010.
—Judge Martha Geer
Recent News
Judge Geer recently appeared in pair of judicial candidate forums sponsored by the The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies

Candidates for the North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals answered questions from moderator Bob Buckley of Fox8 WGHP and the audience regarding judicial philosophy, the role of the courts, and current issues facing the North Carolina judicial system. The events took place on September 7, 2010, at the Winston-Salem Marriott in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and September 21, 2010, at the Raleigh Mariott City Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. Video from the events may be viewed here and here.
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Recent Appearances
- October19
- Alamance County Red, White and Blue DinnerJudge Geer attended the Alamance County Red, White and Blue Dinner on October 19th, along with fellow Court of Appeals candidates Judge Jane Gray and Judge Cressie Thigpen.
- September21
- North Carolina Appellate Judicial Candidates Forum Raleigh Marriott City Center, Raleigh, NC
- September7
- North Carolina Judicial Candidate Forum Winston-Salem Marriott, Winston-Salem, NC